

A Receivable represents an amount owed to your business by a customer (debtor) for goods delivered or services rendered but not invoiced yet.

This receivable is represented by a document (purchase order, signed quote, …). The exact type of document to provide is going to be defined during your onboarding with our implementation team, depending on your business and your sales processes.

The receivable is used by Aria, to validate your advance payments in case no invoice has been issued at the moment you request the advance.

A receivable can be attached to a Loan, representing the advance payment.

Eventually, a receivable must be attached to an invoice, so that repayment can be processed. Many receivables can be attached to the same invoice.

Debtor contact

Each uploaded Receivable must be associated with a corresponding Debtor.

For the purpose of debt collection, we need you to provide the Debtor's contact information. This can be done by creating a Debtor before uploading the invoice.


  • A Receivable has an unique reference, so you will not be able to create a Receivable with an already existing reference.
  • A Receivable can be updated only if
    • it has no Loan linked to it
    • or if Loans are in CREATED, REFUSED, BLOCKED or CANCELED status.
  • A Receivable can be deleted if it has no Loan linked to it.
  • A Receivable must eventually be attached to an Invoice so that we can process repayments.
  • The difference between the Receivable creationDate and expectedInvoiceDatemust respect the maximum value configured for your account (will be defined during your onboarding process). This will prevent to create receivables that cannot be financed.
  • The Receivable expectedInvoicePaymentTerm and expectedInvoicePaymentTermType must respect the values configured for your account (will be defined during your onboarding process). This will prevent to create receivables that cannot be financed.
  • An Invoice must be attached to the Receivable before the expectedInvoiceDate.
  • An Invoice and its Loans must be repaid before the expectedInvoiceDueDate. For more details, see Repayment.

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