Concept | Definition |
User | The beneficiary of the loan. Could be a seller, a freelancer, a service provider... |
Invoice | The invoice sent to the client (Debtor), required proof before asking for a Loan. |
Loan* | A payment that you instruct Aria to make to a given User. |
Debtor | The buyer being invoiced. |
Credit limit | A maximum amount that Aria is willing to advance on a given debtor. |
Quote | One-shot request to find out if an order is eligible for financing before or after the invoicing stage. |
Company | Your business, represented in Aria's workspace. A Company is composed of Members. |
Member | A person from your company who can access your Aria Dashboard. |
Despite the name, Loan represents an advance payment related to an invoice, and does not refer to traditional lending. The term "Loan" has no legal or accounting implications, as our primary service is invoice factoring.
Updated 11 months ago